What is Healthy Living?
Have you ever tried to get work done, complete a project, run a household, write a paper or play sports on an empty stomach and with very little sleep? It’s not impossible, but it certainly isn’t productive. And after doing it day in and day out for weeks or months on end, you will quickly run yourself ragged.
Without a healthy body and mind, we can’t properly fuel our constantly busy lives. Preparing and eating balanced meals, exercising regularly, and getting adequate sleep all help you better prepare for the rigors of daily life.
Living healthy doesn’t mean you have to be able to run a marathon or compete in the Highland Games. Simply put, you create a healthy life by purposefully making choices that promote a healthy body and mind.
But, that’s not all . . .
Living healthy also means partaking in life happening all around you, and it involves aspects of creativity, physicality, connection, exploration, and participation.
From the moment we are born, we begin learning about the world through touch, sight, smell, etc. All the experiences help create a “meaningful life” filled with purpose, fulfillment and significance. When you limit yourself or stay inside your protective bubble and shun experiences, life can quickly become stagnant. You end up feeling numb, detached and disconnected, which can lead to a less meaningful and less fulfilling life.
In other words, by intentionally choosing to participate in and engage with life - i.e. make conscious choices to pursue experiences, goals, and activities, rather than passively letting life happen to you - it becomes easier to adopt a positive mindset and gain perspective. Thus, ultimately leading to lasting feelings of deep content and satisfaction, a.k.a. a healthy life.
View the Event Calendar for upcoming experiences to help you live well.
3 Good Habits Everyone Should Pick Up
1. Time management: Being organized and practicing good time management helps you be more productive and reduces stress. Something that’s been trending lately is the idea of allowing yourself more time to get to places or get things done. Allowing extra time to get to work, drop off and pick up the kids from school, or complete projects on a deadline reduces the pressure to rush, which helps you feel less anxious, less overwhelmed and less stressed.
2. Reading: Reading daily enriches your life and helps improve your relationships. It can also help lower blood pressure and heart rate, and reduce feelings associated with emotional suffering. Reading helps to “exercise” the brain and keep your mind sharp, while also improving your critical thinking skills. Additionally, it helps to lower your chances of developing brain disorders like Alzheimer’s and dementia, and can also help reduce the negative effects of stroke and traumatic brain injury.
3. Gratitude: Practicing gratitude is strongly linked to a better quality of life, and helps you foster stronger relationships by encouraging you to be more considerate and express appreciation for others’ time and efforts. It encourages a positive mindset by actively acknowledging the good aspects of life. By enhancing happiness, improving mental health, strengthening relationships, and potentially boosting physical well-being, cultivating an “Attitude Of Gratitude” reduces stress and promotes resilience in challenging situations.
Keep in mind, you can pick up good habits any time of the year. Don't feel like you have to embark on life-altering changes come January 1st.
Consistency is key to transforming good habits into lasting improvements. And when you get sidetracked, you can always start up again. It’s never too late!
At True Balance Center for Breath and Bodywork, we are committed to providing an atmosphere of calm and giving you an oasis for healing and restoration. You will experience your Body, Mind and Soul connection.
Choose from healing services including Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Breath Work and Breath Coaching, Biomagnetic Pair Therapy, Ionic Foot Detox, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Reiki Energy Healing, Yoga Classes, Sound Therapy, Movement and Meditation.
Breathe Deeply, Live Vibrantly with True Balance.